
Species: C.cinerea
Alias: CC1G_02612
External Links:


Group: Other
Family: FunK1


Name Sequence Type Origin Length Description Download
CC1G_02612.AA Protein None 831 None Fasta, JSON
CC1G_02612.NA RNA None 2496 None Fasta, JSON
CC1G_02612.kin_dom Protein Kinase Domain None 444 None Fasta, JSON

Protein domain

Protein domains of CC1G_02612.AA. The domains are annotated by HMM profiles from Pfam and SMART, as well as in-house data which includes HMMs of each individual kinase group, family and subfamily. Here is domain list in details, including sequence identity, significance and alignment. In particular, you can find can find the best hit kinase group/family/subfamily, which is helpful to understand the relationship between kinases.Kinase domain and best hit kinase group/family/subfamily are highlighted in red and blue. Visualized by pviz.

Usage: Zoom in selected region by dragging mouse and zoom out by double-clicking.

Domain Protein name Domain Name Range Identity (%) Significance Score Profile Source Profile Range (length) Alignment
Kinase CC1G_02612.AA TAO 526-584 40 0.000806 8.04 In-house 121-168 (254) Show / Hide
Range on Protein: 526-584
Range on HMM: 121-168/254
Sequence Identity: 40% (24 aa)

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